Sunday, April 7, 2013

VDC OFF and SLIP lights on - Reading the ABS related DTCs from the right control module

This will be updated once I figure out how to read the codes off of the car using my laptop. I am not entirely sure that my OBD II software will work with this particular type of diagnostic code.

Well scratch that idea - looks like I wont be able to pull the ABS/VDC related diagnostic codes using a regular reader. The reason for this is because the codes are stored on the ABS control unit, which is a different control unit than the regular control unit that these OBD 2 softwares usually read. 
An interesting point: But ABS once there are codes stored, they remain there till cleared.

There is however a manual way to get the car to show you the ABS codes. This is off of the internet, so I will hold off on trying it myself, but incase you want to give it a shot:

When a problem occurs in the ABS, the warning lamp on the instrument panel comes on. To start the selfdiagnostic results mode, ground the self-diagnostic (check) terminal located on Data Link Connector. The location of the malfunction is indicated by the warning lamp flashing.

1. Drive vehicle over 30 km/h (19 MPH) for at least one minute.
2. Turn ignition switch OFF.
3. Ground terminal 9 of Data Link Connector with a suitable harness.
4. Turn ignition switch ON while grounding terminal 9.
Do not depress brake pedal.
5. After 3.0 seconds, the warning lamp starts flashing to indicate
the malfunction code No. (See NOTE.)
6. Verify the location of the malfunction with the malfunction code
chart. Then make the necessary repairs following the diagnostic procedures.
7. After the malfunctions are repaired, erase the malfunction codes
stored in the control unit. See Below
8. Rerun the self-diagnostic results mode to verify that the malfunction
codes have been erased.
9. Disconnect the check terminal from the ground. The self-diagnostic
results mode is now complete.
10. Check warning lamp for deactivation after driving vehicle over 30
km/h (19 MPH) for at least one minute.
11. After making certain that warning lamp does not come on, test
the ABS in a safe area to verify that it functions properly.
The indication terminates after 5 minutes.
However, when the ignition switch is turned from OFF to ON, the
indication starts flashing again.

1. Determine the code No. by counting the number of times the warning lamp flashes on and off.
2. When several malfunctions occur at one time, up to three code numbers can be stored; the latest malfunction
will be indicated first.
3. The indication begins with the start code 12. After that a maximum of three code numbers appear in the
order of the latest one first. The indication then returns to the start code 12 to repeat (the indication will
stay on for five minutes at most).

1. Disconnect the check terminal from ground (ABS warning lamp
will stay lit).
2. Within 12.5 seconds, ground the check terminal three times.
Each terminal ground must last more than 1 second. The ABS
warning lamp goes out after the erase operation has been completed.
3. Perform self-diagnosis again. Only the start code should appear, no
malfunction codes.


Code No. Malfunctioning Part Reference Page
12 Self-diagnosis could not detect any malfunctions.
45 Actuator front left outlet solenoid valve
46 Actuator front left inlet solenoid valve
41 Actuator front right outlet solenoid valve
42 Actuator front right inlet solenoid valve
51 Actuator rear right outlet solenoid valve
52 Actuator rear right inlet solenoid valve
55 Actuator rear left outlet solenoid valve
56 Actuator rear left inlet solenoid valve
25 *1 Front left sensor (open-circuit)
26 *1 Front left sensor (short-circuit)
21 *1 Front right sensor (open-circuit)
22 *1 Front right sensor (short-circuit)
31 *1 Rear right sensor (open-circuit)
32 *1 Rear right sensor (short-circuit)
35 *1 Rear left sensor (open-circuit)
36 *1 Rear left sensor (short-circuit)
18 *1 Sensor rotor
61 *3 Actuator motor or motor relay
63 Solenoid valve relay
57 *2 Power supply (Low voltage)
71 Control unit  <--------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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